In June, pupils and staff from St Vincent’s Specialist School for Sensory Impairment and Other Needs, Liverpool will be visiting Olney for Seeing Together, a collaborative project as part of Amazing Grace 250. We are very much looking forward to welcoming Mrs Bernadette Buckle, Chair of Governors St Vincent’s, Dr John Patterson, Principal, staff and pupils.
The two day residential includes joint activities with Olney Middle School, Olney 1st Scouts, Olney Allotments, the Amazing Grace Community Orchard, the parish church of St Peter & St Paul and Cowper & Newton Museum.
The activities include Seeds of Hope wildflowers, adding a tree that they have grown to the Queen’s Green Canopy, workshops with the Scouts and Olney Middle School and an evening event and webcast at the parish church of St Peter & St Paul.

At Olney Middle School, St Vincent’s pupils and staff will join Morning Assembly, followed by four workshops
Workshop 1: Practical experience of simulation spectacles ( ‘Sim specs’ ) replicating a number of visual impairments and use of ‘white cane’
Workshop 2: Short history of braille an a Practical experience of Perkins Brailler pupils working in small groups with braille
Workshop 3: Music workshop
Workshop 4: Magic Bench story-writing / Citizenship towards a new Olney storyline to be created and published
The evening event at St Peter & St Paul is also the launch event for the school’s new resources, including an update on the growth of SightBox.*
And, of course, plenty of singing
Find out more about St Vincent’s Specialist School for Sensory Impairment and Other
St Vincent’s projects: The Magic Bench (Citizenship, Comics & Climate Action), Seeds of Hope (grown and harvested by the school)
* More about Sight box and how to support Sightbox
To find out more about Amazing Grace and Amazing Grace 250