The Task by William Cowper


The Task by William Cowper. An illustrated edition by Birket Foster of this renowned poem.

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The Task by William Cowper
The Task was originally published in 1785 and consists of Six Books:
1. The Sofa
2. The Time-Piece
3. The Garden
4. The Winter Evening
5. The Winter Morning Walk
6. The Winter Walk at Noon

This volume has been beautifully illustrated by Birket Foster and was published in 1878 by James Nisbet and Co. The condition is very good.

As an explanation of the poem William Cowper writes:
A lady, fond of blank verse, demanded a poem of that kind from the author, and gave him the Sofa for a subject. He obeyed; and, having much leisure, connected another subject with it; and, pursuing the train of thought to which his situation and turn of mind led him, brought forth at length, instead of the trifle which he at first intended, a serious affair—a Volume!

Additional information

Weight 777 g
Dimensions 25.5 × 16 × 3.5 cm

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The Task by William Cowper

Book Museum Tickets

Our Museum building remains CLOSED.  We are opening our gardens on limited entry.  The Cowper & Newton Museum gardens will be open to welcome you on Wednesday 5th August 10.30 – 12.15 and Saturday 8th August 10.30 – 12.15

(Follow our social media accounts or check back here for further opening days & times as they become available)