Critical Writing on William Cowper, 2011-2012




Periodical Articles, Essays, Notes Bilbro, Jeffrey, ‘Who Are Lost and How They’re found: Redemption and Theodicy in Wheatley, Newton, and Cowper’, Early American Literature, 47:3 (2012), 561-89. Chantler, Ashley, ‘Critical Writing on William Cowper, 1980-2010’, Cowper and Newton Journal, 2 (2012), 44-56. Curry, Neil, ‘“The Contrite Heart”: Cowper and George Herbert’, Cowper and Newton Journal, 1 (2011), 46-49. Curry, Neil, ‘William and Theodora: An Early Love Affair’, Cowper and Newton Journal, 2 (2012), 26-37. Givens, Ray, ‘William Cowper: On Recovering from Depression’ [poem], Anglican Theological Review, 94:3 (2012), 523-24. Haggerty, Sarah, ‘“The Ceremonial Letter for Letter”: William Cowper and the Tempo of Epistolary Exchange’, Eighteenth-Century Life, 35:1 (2011), 149-67. Hutchings, W. B., ‘Cowper and Conversation’, Cowper and Newton Journal, 1 (2011), 2-15. Hutchings, W. B., ‘William Cowper, The Task, Book VI: “The Winter Walk at Noon”, Lines 57-82’, Cowper and Newton Journal, 2 (2012), 38-43. Menely, Tobias, ‘“The Present Obfuscation”: Cowper’s Task and the Time of Climate Change’, PMLA, 127:3 (2012), 477-92. Mohapatra, Ashok K., ‘Appropriation, Coloniality and Ethics of Translation: Madhusudan Rao’s Nirbasitaro Bilapa and William Cowper’s The Solitude of Alexander Selkirk’, Ravenshaw Journal of Literary and Cultural Studies, 1:1 (2011), 35-48. Newey, Vincent, ‘“The Loop-Holes of Retreat”: Exploring Cowper’s Letters’, Cowper and Newton Journal, 1 (2011), 16-45. Books and Chapters Adelman, Richard, ‘Cowper, Coleridge and Wollstonecraft’, Idleness, Contemplation and the Aesthetic, 1750–1830 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011). Arnold, Richard, Trinity of Discord: The Hymnal and Poetic Innovations of Isaac Watts, Charles Wesley, and William Cowper (New York: Peter Lang, 2012). Chantler, Ashley, ‘From Cowper to Conrad: Authenticity at the End of the Century’, in Literature and Authenticity, 1780–1900: Essays in Honour of Vincent Newey, ed. Ashley Chantler, Michael Davies and Philip Shaw (Farnham: Ashgate, 2011). Davies, Michael, ‘Authentic Narratives: Cowper and Conversion’, in Literature and Authenticity, 1780–1900: Essays

Periodical Articles, Essays, Notes

Bilbro, Jeffrey, ‘Who Are Lost and How They’re found: Redemption and Theodicy in Wheatley, Newton, and Cowper’, Early American Literature, 47:3 (2012), 561-89.

Chantler, Ashley, ‘Critical Writing on William Cowper, 1980-2010’, Cowper and Newton Journal, 2 (2012), 44-56.

Curry, Neil, ‘“The Contrite Heart”: Cowper and George Herbert’, Cowper and Newton Journal, 1 (2011), 46-49.

Curry, Neil, ‘William and Theodora: An Early Love Affair’, Cowper and Newton Journal, 2 (2012), 26-37.

Givens, Ray, ‘William Cowper: On Recovering from Depression’ [poem], Anglican Theological Review, 94:3 (2012), 523-24.

Haggerty, Sarah, ‘“The Ceremonial Letter for Letter”: William Cowper and the Tempo of Epistolary Exchange’, Eighteenth-Century Life, 35:1 (2011), 149-67.

Hutchings, W. B., ‘Cowper and Conversation’, Cowper and Newton Journal, 1 (2011), 2-15.

Hutchings, W. B., ‘William Cowper, The Task, Book VI: “The Winter Walk at Noon”, Lines 57-82’, Cowper and Newton Journal, 2 (2012), 38-43.

Menely, Tobias, ‘“The Present Obfuscation”: Cowper’s Task and the Time of Climate Change’, PMLA, 127:3 (2012), 477-92.

Mohapatra, Ashok K., ‘Appropriation, Coloniality and Ethics of Translation: Madhusudan Rao’s Nirbasitaro Bilapa and William Cowper’s The Solitude of Alexander Selkirk’, Ravenshaw Journal of Literary and Cultural Studies, 1:1 (2011), 35-48.

Newey, Vincent, ‘“The Loop-Holes of Retreat”: Exploring Cowper’s Letters’, Cowper and Newton Journal, 1 (2011), 16-45.

Books and Chapters

Adelman, Richard, ‘Cowper, Coleridge and Wollstonecraft’, Idleness, Contemplation and the Aesthetic, 1750–1830 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011).

Arnold, Richard, Trinity of Discord: The Hymnal and Poetic Innovations of Isaac Watts, Charles Wesley, and William Cowper (New York: Peter Lang, 2012).

Chantler, Ashley, ‘From Cowper to Conrad: Authenticity at the End of the Century’, in Literature and Authenticity, 1780–1900: Essays in Honour of Vincent Newey, ed. Ashley Chantler, Michael Davies and Philip Shaw (Farnham: Ashgate, 2011).

Davies, Michael, ‘Authentic Narratives: Cowper and Conversion’, in Literature and Authenticity, 1780–1900: Essays in Honour of Vincent Newey, ed. Ashley Chantler, Michael Davies and Philip Shaw (Farnham: Ashgate, 2011).

Matthews, Susan, ‘Cowper’s Fear: Nature, Population, Apocalypse’, Blake, Sexuality and Bourgeois Politeness (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011).

Mee, Jon, ‘“Language Really Used by Men”: Cowper, Coleridge, and Wordsworth’, Conversable Worlds: Literature, Contention, and Community 1762 to 1830 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011).

Watson, Simon, An April-Weather Life: A Short Biography of William Cowper, Poet (Pulborough: Wordwise, 2012).

Additions to ‘Critical Writing on William Cowper, 1980–2010’

The following entries did not appear in ‘Critical Writing on William Cowper, 1980–2010’, Cowper and Newton Journal, 2 (2012), 44-56.

Periodical Articles, Essays, Notes

Brunström, Conrad, and Katherine Turner, ‘“I shall not ask Jean-Jacques Rousseau”: Anthropomorphism in the Cowperian Bestiary’, Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 33:4 (2010), 453-68.

Farnsworth, Robert, ‘For William Cowper’ [poem], Missouri Review, 9:2 (1986), 150-51.

Books and Chapters

Terry, Richard, Mock-Heroic from Butler to Cowper: An English Genre and Discourse (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005).

Terry, Richard, ‘Longer Eighteenth-Century Poems (Akenside, Goldsmith, Thomson, Young, Cowper and Others)’, in The Cambridge History of English Poetry, ed. Michael O’Neill (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010).

With thanks to: David Higgins; Vincent Newey; Tony Seward.

I would be grateful to learn of any omissions or errors, or of any entries for the work-in-progress ‘Critical Writing on William Cowper, 2013–2014’. Acknowledgement will be made. Please write to me at:

Dr Ashley Chantler

Department of English

University of Chester

Parkgate Road





All articles are subject to copyright


The Cowper and Newton Journal (ISSN 2046 – 8814) includes scholarly articles, notes and reviews on Cowper, Newton and their contemporaries, as well as more general articles from the 18th century.

Joint Editors

Professor Vincent NeweyTony SewardDr William Hutchings

Editorial Board:

Dr Ashley Chantler (University of Chester), Dr Michael Davies (University of Liverpool), Kate Bostock (Museum Trustee), Professor Martha J. Koehler (University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg, PA), Professor Bob Owens (University of Bedfordshire).

Reviews Editor: Tony Seward

The predecessor to The Cowper and Newton Journal was The Cowper and Newton Bulletin.  Published in 8 volumes from 2002-2009, it contained museum news in each issue as well as one or more full-length scholarly articles and shorter notes.


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Our Museum building remains CLOSED.  We are opening our gardens on limited entry.  The Cowper & Newton Museum gardens will be open to welcome you on Wednesday 5th August 10.30 – 12.15 and Saturday 8th August 10.30 – 12.15

(Follow our social media accounts or check back here for further opening days & times as they become available)