Periodical Articles, Essays, Notes
Bilbro, Jeffrey, ‘Who Are Lost and How They’re found: Redemption and Theodicy in Wheatley, Newton, and Cowper’, Early American Literature, 47:3 (2012), 561-89.
Chantler, Ashley, ‘Critical Writing on William Cowper, 1980-2010’, Cowper and Newton Journal, 2 (2012), 44-56.
Curry, Neil, ‘“The Contrite Heart”: Cowper and George Herbert’, Cowper and Newton Journal, 1 (2011), 46-49.
Curry, Neil, ‘William and Theodora: An Early Love Affair’, Cowper and Newton Journal, 2 (2012), 26-37.
Givens, Ray, ‘William Cowper: On Recovering from Depression’ [poem], Anglican Theological Review, 94:3 (2012), 523-24.
Haggerty, Sarah, ‘“The Ceremonial Letter for Letter”: William Cowper and the Tempo of Epistolary Exchange’, Eighteenth-Century Life, 35:1 (2011), 149-67.
Hutchings, W. B., ‘Cowper and Conversation’, Cowper and Newton Journal, 1 (2011), 2-15.
Hutchings, W. B., ‘William Cowper, The Task, Book VI: “The Winter Walk at Noon”, Lines 57-82’, Cowper and Newton Journal, 2 (2012), 38-43.
Menely, Tobias, ‘“The Present Obfuscation”: Cowper’s Task and the Time of Climate Change’, PMLA, 127:3 (2012), 477-92.
Mohapatra, Ashok K., ‘Appropriation, Coloniality and Ethics of Translation: Madhusudan Rao’s Nirbasitaro Bilapa and William Cowper’s The Solitude of Alexander Selkirk’, Ravenshaw Journal of Literary and Cultural Studies, 1:1 (2011), 35-48.
Newey, Vincent, ‘“The Loop-Holes of Retreat”: Exploring Cowper’s Letters’, Cowper and Newton Journal, 1 (2011), 16-45.
Books and Chapters
Adelman, Richard, ‘Cowper, Coleridge and Wollstonecraft’, Idleness, Contemplation and the Aesthetic, 1750–1830 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011).
Arnold, Richard, Trinity of Discord: The Hymnal and Poetic Innovations of Isaac Watts, Charles Wesley, and William Cowper (New York: Peter Lang, 2012).
Chantler, Ashley, ‘From Cowper to Conrad: Authenticity at the End of the Century’, in Literature and Authenticity, 1780–1900: Essays in Honour of Vincent Newey, ed. Ashley Chantler, Michael Davies and Philip Shaw (Farnham: Ashgate, 2011).
Davies, Michael, ‘Authentic Narratives: Cowper and Conversion’, in Literature and Authenticity, 1780–1900: Essays in Honour of Vincent Newey, ed. Ashley Chantler, Michael Davies and Philip Shaw (Farnham: Ashgate, 2011).
Matthews, Susan, ‘Cowper’s Fear: Nature, Population, Apocalypse’, Blake, Sexuality and Bourgeois Politeness (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011).
Mee, Jon, ‘“Language Really Used by Men”: Cowper, Coleridge, and Wordsworth’, Conversable Worlds: Literature, Contention, and Community 1762 to 1830 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011).
Watson, Simon, An April-Weather Life: A Short Biography of William Cowper, Poet (Pulborough: Wordwise, 2012).
Additions to ‘Critical Writing on William Cowper, 1980–2010’
The following entries did not appear in ‘Critical Writing on William Cowper, 1980–2010’, Cowper and Newton Journal, 2 (2012), 44-56.
Periodical Articles, Essays, Notes
Brunström, Conrad, and Katherine Turner, ‘“I shall not ask Jean-Jacques Rousseau”: Anthropomorphism in the Cowperian Bestiary’, Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 33:4 (2010), 453-68.
Farnsworth, Robert, ‘For William Cowper’ [poem], Missouri Review, 9:2 (1986), 150-51.
Books and Chapters
Terry, Richard, Mock-Heroic from Butler to Cowper: An English Genre and Discourse (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005).
Terry, Richard, ‘Longer Eighteenth-Century Poems (Akenside, Goldsmith, Thomson, Young, Cowper and Others)’, in The Cambridge History of English Poetry, ed. Michael O’Neill (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010).
With thanks to: David Higgins; Vincent Newey; Tony Seward.
I would be grateful to learn of any omissions or errors, or of any entries for the work-in-progress ‘Critical Writing on William Cowper, 2013–2014’. Acknowledgement will be made. Please write to me at:
Dr Ashley Chantler
Department of English
University of Chester
Parkgate Road