With thanks to the National Lottery Fund and the current owners of the old Vicarage in Olney, the Cowper & Newton Museum now features a recreation of Newton’s study. The Museum was kindly granted access to the Vicarage by the current owners to film short clips in their attic room – formerly Newton’s study and where he would have written the now world-renowned hymn, Amazing Grace.
Here at the Cowper & Newton Museum, we are fortunate to have two Trustees who – when in costume – suspiciously resemble two well-known, historical Olney residents. After donning their waist coats and breeches, John Newton and his good friend, William Cowper, once again occupied the attic room at Olney Vicarage.
The recordings will also be used in an introductory film, soon to feature in an exhibition in the Amazing Grace – John Newton in Olney Room.

The visit to the Vicarage also provided the Museum with a better understanding of how to set up the recreation of John Newton’s Study. An important addition to the study scene is the quote printed above the fireplace, which still exists at the Vicarage today.
Find out more about Rev John Newton’s church during the time he was Curate in Charge of St Peter & St Paul: ‘Olney Church & John Newton’
Find our more about the first meeting of John Newton and William Cowper, the extension to the Vicarage by Lord Dartmouth, Lord of the Manor of Olney and the arrival of William and Mary Unwin to Olney: ‘The Journey to Olney’
The film and redisplay of objects were created as part of the commemorations for the 250th anniversary of Amazing Grace (AG250). These commemorations have been made possible with thanks to the National Lottery Fund as well as Amazing Grace 250 partners and supporters. . To stay up to date with everything relating to AG250, follow us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter (@cowpnewtmuseum) or sign up to our newsletter.