Christmas Charity Concert at St Peter and St Paul Church

St Peter and St Paul Church in Olney will be hosting their fabulous charity Christmas Concert.

Join in the Christmas spirit and commemoration of Amazing Grace, as the church will be lit up with Christmas trees and the Precinct Consort Choral Scholars from Canterbury Cathedral will be delivering the concert. This will feature an arrangement of Amazing Grace by Jonathan Heron, written especially for the 250th anniversary.

Tickets cost £10.00 for adults and £5.00 for children (includes a glass of wine) 

Available from:

The Pancake Parlour

C T Wilson & Son (cash only please)


Dec 03, 2022


7:00 pm

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Book Museum Tickets

Our Museum building remains CLOSED.  We are opening our gardens on limited entry.  The Cowper & Newton Museum gardens will be open to welcome you on Wednesday 5th August 10.30 – 12.15 and Saturday 8th August 10.30 – 12.15

(Follow our social media accounts or check back here for further opening days & times as they become available)